Best Book Design From All Over the World 2021

Best Book Design From All Over the World 2021

Impressão offset premium do livro "Fiction Practice". Acabamento especial: alto-relevo 03

In view of the international competition ‘Best Book Design From All Over the World 2021’ by the German foundation Buchkunst, 17 books were chosen,12 of which were produced by our team.

“Amanhã não há arte”, with design by Márcia Novais; “Post Millenium – Critical essays on contemporary tensions – We would prefer not to – Resistance & Resilience (vol. 3)”, designed by esad-idea, a research in design and art; “Building views on Alvar Aalto“, designed by Ana Resende and João Novais; “Colagem / coragem – sobre a consciência das mãos”, designed by ilhas estúdio; “Fiction Practice“, designed by Joana Pestana and Max Ryan; “Quando alguém morria perguntavam apenas: tinha paixão?”, designed by Isabel Duarte; “Frontiere, expressões de design contemporâneo”, designed by Degrau; “Páginas inquietas: sobre documentos insubmissos”, designed by Sofia Gonçalves; “Steve Paxton”, designed by Sofia Gonçalves; “A imagem da palavra / L’image de la parole”, designed by Pedro Nora; “Acéfalanterna“, designed by Studio Maria João Macedo; “Elephant”, designed by André Príncipe.

Congratulations to all on the excellent work!!!